10 Jul 2024

Redefining who we are

Operations Director Nina Livermore discusses recent work to redefine our vision, mission and values

Over the past 8 months, we’ve spent time taking a look inward at ourselves and our business, and joining together with our people to discuss our goals, our aspirations, and who we are as a brand.

We’re extremely proud to be growing at an incredible rate, taking on more and more clients, supporting more young people and growing our team to be able to provide the services which are so clearly in demand.

Whilst this is positive, we always want to make sure that our growth never results in a compromise on quality of service. Every local authority or school that requests our help, through the provision of social work services, children’s homes or education provision, must always have the utmost confidence in the outcomes we will help their young people and families achieve.

We know this is the case, but we want to maintain and build on this, so we reflected on what makes us who we are, and where we see ourselves in the next 5-10 years.

To do this, we brought in some specialist help for an objective opinion on our people, our services and our brand, and held workshops, to which every member of our team was invited, for a frank and open discussion.

We wanted to come up with a very clear vision, mission and set of values for CF Group, which our people felt accurately reflected their experiences at CF, and which set our direction, based on a unwavering commitment to helping children and young families.

It was both refreshing and humbling to hear the results from the staff session, which showed a positive and happy team that were incredibly proud of the work they are doing, but also of the reputation and values of our business. More than once, we heard comments from staff explaining that we work so hard to ensure we’re the right fit for people we support, because we must be confident we can help them towards positive outcomes. I couldn’t agree more.

This work ended with us having a clear company vision – a goal that will never be fully realised but that sets the standards for the impact we want to make as a company, a mission, which provides more detail around our intentions and desired impacts, and our values, which reflect who we are, how we act, and how anyone we work with should be treated.

Now – our challenge is to ensure that this work does not simply get filed away as ‘words on a page’. To stop this, we’re making our vision, mission and values a central part of our infrastructure. From recruiting our people, to retaining and developing them, and how we model our service provision. Everything will come back to these core intentions and commitments.

We may be growing in our size, our impact and our client list, but our vision is simple:

‘To help children, young people and families achieve the best possible outcomes, by providing exceptional interventions’

Read more about CF Group’s vision, mission and values here.