Through our Children’s Homes, we provide child-focussed residential care in high quality accommodation.

We have four children’s homes based in Suffolk, able to accommodate up to 11 young people in total, who have been assessed as needing to live outside of the family environment.

Our primary objective is to provide children and young people with a safe, stable, happy, and comfortable home - one which will enable them to build upon their confidence and self-esteem while receiving intensive support from our highly skilled team.

Each of our team members is trained in our CF Group practice model based on therapeutic support, so that the voice of each child leads the support and care they receive.

Where appropriate, our aim will be towards reunification for the child and their family. Where this is not the appropriate, we work with partners towards shared goals for the young person, with the goal of moving them towards positive, secure outcomes.

To find out more about our homes, or to make a referral, contact us.

Tutum House

In December 2021 CF Group opened their first Children’s Home – Tutum House, based in a residential area of Ipswich, Suffolk.

Felix House

Felix House is the second home of the CF Group and opened in November 2022, and is situated in the quiet seaside town of Felixstowe.

Vella House

Vella House in Leiston, was registered with Ofsted in November 2024.

Arva House

Arva House is based in Witnesham and opened in November 2024.

We're very proud to offer four children's homes across Suffolk, each designed to provide safe, welcoming 'home from home' environments for young people that need our help. Our team works tirelessly to provide our young people with care based around their specific needs, and we're always looking to build on our provision, offering the best possible support.

Nina Livermore, Operations Director

We usually come across people when they're in a crisis. We're just trying to empower them, just trying to change the route in which their lives are going and achieve positive outcomes for the young people and families that we support.

Anton Clarke, Director of Children's Services

I think any time you take a child out of a situation where they're not happy or they're not safe, and you're able to put them in an environment where they thrive, and they feel looked after and happy, that's enough.

Shelby Clarke, Residential Support Worker